Explore The Imagination’s Frontiers In Sexuality At Marsport 667 : The Rarest Of Sexual Experiences !
Dear June,
I really miss The Planet Earth and the life we had there. Yet, my dearest June, I must tell you the truth - over the last five years or so since I was last on The Planet Earth my mind has wandered and my soul searching has lead me not back to our happy life together but away - yes, to a life quantifiably happier if not married and separated as we have been three years now . If you file the divorce I can even assure you that you can keep the house - okay?
Anyway, Marsport is the place to rest and relax like never before ! I had told you in my past iLetters how there is this one place where the ‘ dudes ‘ have it they have a 90 minutes sex ride where a dude is first to negotiate a good position in zero-gravity with their partner then to be spun around in a centrifuge more and more until pressed together at 1.5 times Earth-Gravity even 2.5 Earth Gravities - then falling upon a giant mound of pillows like some kiddie ride at a carnival yet all covered in oils with a ‘dude’ for a partner to spend the day with - Wow Right?
Dear June,
Of course I am having to take my required ‘R And R ‘ time between the long-haul tug flights I do at Marsport . As the usual guys from my long-haul tug flight team have all shown up, we are trying to decide how to spend our time . Once again, it is the usual ten guys all spending our required ‘perpetuity time’ at Marsport as we are designated to by our Human Resources Department at Patton Long-Haul Space Tugs . I have been here so many times with the guys since I began working at Patton Long-Haul Space Tugs that - well, I lost count - by the way thanks for filing the papers for our divorce and know that no I don’t expect to return for whatever you were asking about for you and for yours.
The guys I am with this perpetuity break are hoping to spend some time in the Devils’ Backyard - a nudist carnival world for adults with a chance to fly about at zero gravity and have the ‘dudes’ tossed about as well like balloons or something ! Something to miss, eh ?
Dear Jane,
Work has been grueling and I am want to get some rest and relaxation time - meet up with the guys at Marsport 667.
I am never to care if you use my family name in your life going forth - I thought that was part of the plan from the beginning.
I have been saving for an extra week at Marsport and enjoying some time at Marsport 667 - maybe I’ll use some personal vacation time after the guys go back to work at perpetuity times’ termination .
I will be expecting the divorce documents to sign and finalize . And you need not to have worried so much about the house as it was I who demanded the divorce.
Anyway, if you are going to sell the house immediately as you say you need to, please send a couple thousands back to me, it might be the perfect reason to go into retirement .
That house had a lower price and nicer thoughts in it when first we met June and I well could use some extra funds at my retirement party at at Marsport .
One thing for sure I need to get off my current work schedule that keeps me on one vessel too long - I need to get some therapy .
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