Melle lives at a large lunar weigh-station and port-of-call above a terra-formed planet being used to grow and harvest a couple important agricultural crops that are used by manufacturing and processing them to create a variety of goods at other locations. Melle spends her free time chatting with Tarra and other friends whom she met when attending University - near The Planet Earth. Tarra and Melle share a fascination in ancient as well as current forms of terra-forming and the future of terra-forming ;predicated on mechanical-hydraulic means, bio-organism based, or processes that involve spatial-temporal gravity orbit-shifting of a planet to facilitate the process. Melle, always more interested in current terra-forming systems, is assisting her friend Tara in looking for artifacts of ancient terra-forming ideas in ruins on Anhaltinia, a planet is the Outer-Panterra Regions.
Melle finds a place to land at what seems to be a commercial docking-bay at the site of the large electrical power facility that is presently a utility site that gathers light by photovoltaic solar-panels and converts that energy into storable electrical fuel-cell batteries.
Melle has brought to accompany her a large feline whom Melle has trained to both be obedient and to wear a space-suit. The feline’s name is Dane.
Melle arrives at the facility being used for solar electric fuel-cell refueling and immediately sets to fulfilling the chores that the utility owner of that site’s management had agreed to Melle showing up at their facility to check-in at their site as a safety and security measure, in exchanged Melle having the ability to able to search the area for ancient artifacts from the terra-forming system once there, that the facility is built upon.
While walking about the facility with her feline companion Dane, Melle is taken aback by the enormous size and dimensions of the industrial architecture and the repeating rhythmic patterns that create motifs as back-drop to her visit to the facility.
Melle is happy after her walk touring the facility with Dane by her side : as a friend, a volunteer and as an academic. After her time walking about the facility, Melle’s thoughts are about returning to her residence at the lunar weigh-station to rest and enjoy some pop-corn and bowl of tomato soup, and feeding Dane.
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