THIS STORY BEGINS with a voice of warning from an out of work tech guy at a factory in a small town in America where robots have all but pushed people completely away from employment opportunities, promise and futures in that town. Many families and folks who had decades of training and experience at that factory as well others just educated to fill jobs there by retiring workers of that factory where .. the robots in a short time not only displace at the factory but replace the people throughout all of the town.
There have always been ghost towns in America created and then left on the frontiers of history and industry and abandoned when the economic forces of the county or politic changed. Due to issues and problems that develop or that arise as new realities of frontiers of commercial of farming, ranching, fishing, mining, and other industries are created yet find a learning moment of need to cease the work there on the landscape due to changes in the industry, economic forces or needs changing, scientific changes or even opinions over time - that factory, that is the reason for a town's existence on the landscape in America and the source of empowerment and survival, when taken away is reasoning enough for the ghost town story and architecture oft found across North America.
That tech-guy from the story of the factory in that small town, stays and while he had lowered his expectations for his future due to the involvement by the corporate developer who went ahead and deployed robots to work at his factory mining facility to replace all of the folks of the town with robots, as well.
The tech guy stays behind in his home town to live among the factory robots who have pushed the folks he used to know away to make-way for robots who have shown up to do the work at the factory instead of people in the small town setting.
On the newly managed landscape made up almost entirely of industrial robots and managed by the few powerful families of the industrial world's factory management systems, he survives.
Some had it that he was perhaps selling books and scripts created from a random book generator or an artist who uses a random artwork generator to have artwork to sell - online artwork?
After surviving in the environment that was created to mimic that of the population there when the robots showed up take over the town, he arrives on the scene of a tragedy about to become a disaster. Seeing the problem .. he acts quickly to stem the tides of greater and greater tragedy and misery.
Troops from a distant military base nearby his town have already arrived to the area to contain the environmental problem of a larger mining robot ( that looks like a dragon ) threatening to destroy all at that site. He decides to jump in to action .. before it is too late.
He saves the factory by utilizing the factory power never turned off, to force the mining robot to shut down.
He succeeds and the disaster was averted. Yet, the international protest condemn the situation and decry that if the problems found had become worse, that perhaps that accident might have become an environmental disaster that would undoubtedly would threaten the human population of the entire planets' peoples will illness and further question the global viability of the planet to sustain humanity as we have known it, forever.
The factory is repopulated with workers, who are regaled by theater of the protesters and philosophers of the new reality of robots in work place.
After that larger concert and information dissemination to the new workers who have shown up to the factory, the town folk are given a stage to watch tribal dancing by workers in anthropomorphic suites. Generally used only for crowd security, for industrial mining environments, in laboratories, and so on - these are protective fabricated human over-layers, that are made to look in any way, shape or style like human body type. The dancing displays the large and scary event and how it was to elicit a colorful affect by the larger potential of the robot system going out of control. Others are simply to show a need to respect the crafts guilds who can dance and wield their destructive and colorful plasma welding and cutting wands.
In the end, the daughter of one of the new local families of the new management at the factory is shown how to dance to music from one of the industry standard robots designed to keep kids actively learning and working to improve their minds and bodies, their talents and skills.
Epilogue : The tech guy who fixed the problem goes on to become a salesman for " Personal Robots ", or service sector, robots to be used in the home to make life easier by allowing more time for enjoyment of creature comforts of the luxury society of that era.
" Today we have robots that can actually make factories that only make more robots .. Yet - Those robots just can't just sell themselves .. Right !? ", Says the advertisement on the back of the public benches meant for seating at the bus stops around the area, near the image of a guy with a big smile on his face, in an institutional jump-suite meant for an electronics technician. "Jakes New and Used Robots ! We Have The Best Selection In The Region ! Just Come 'Round 'An See 'Em - You'll want One, Too ! "
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