THERESA is a young girl who is found left behind at a transport station. Somehow, know one knows why or what happened, the security agencies at a small transport station find the 10 year old girl to be a character whose existence makes their jobs precarious. How a 10 year old young girl named Theresa has been living in the confines of a large storage facility locker, playing video games with robots at a remote transport station and yet no one knows her nor her story knows who to contact who might, nor to care.
An ( ANB ) All Nearby Builtin is sent out to try to find anyone with information in the area of the Sol System to send it along. A young woman named ANGELA with time to spare decides to investigate more, and retrieves THERESA, bringing her back to the Security Frigate that ANGELA works at and that it is in the area only while escorting a supplies transport vessel in the area to another distant transport station - at a distant location. ANGELA decides that she has spare time and resources enough and that she can share her life with THERESA, at her home on OFF-PLANET SOL #1427.
THERSA gets to grow up in the green and fertile side of the Planet is brought up by ANGELA to respect nature. Yet, THERESA finds that she seeks to understand the desert landscape of the other side of the planet. A decade or so after ANGELA takes in THERESA, she is ready to leave her home in the City where ANGELA lives, to pursue a new life. THERESA attends college at a remote campus in the arid outback Territory of Off-Planet Sol #1427, where THERESA learns a new way to live.
THERESA finds employment as security for a tourism business that takes tourists out to the remote and foreboding landscape to live and learn about the creatures and history there amid the arid and dry landscape of the harsh and barren side of the planet THERESA grew up on … and THERESA finds a sense of balance, and quietly decides she must change her circumstances once again …
THERESA begins to do well as real-estate sales representative for a development firm. However, THERESA uses her extra time and resources to create a refugee camp called RESCUES. Utilizing her knowledge and business savvy, THERESA makes a deal with a local land-owner who sells THERESA a strategic and impressive plot of land for very cheap, in a good-faith deal that uses the site as she intends to and as she describes. Not long after, THERESA finds investors for her refugee and training camp called RESCUES, for children who are found parent-less, become arranged from their family, or are a kind of refugee - who are brought up at THERESA’S CAMP RESCUES, to learn lessons of life and how to cope as a young RESCUE / STOW-AWAY in the modern era.
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