" Getting to be older is about acceptance as much as survival. Don't worry about being older, just enjoy the path you have to take towards defining yourself as older - okay "
Jake Fortunato
Jake is a West Coast guy who used to follow the Punk Bank " Retro-Ejects", when he was in college ; when Punk-Rock Music was still battling for a place in the alternative charts with all of the other newly appreciated music tastes of New Wave Music, Funk/Rap Music, etc. While in college Jakes spent a little time around the college radio station and the DJs, as well as the promoters and producers of music shows, yet Jakes was only interested in being a more serious consumer of music and the arts.
Jakes was attending a large and accredited University were he got his Liberal Arts Degree, long ago. He had taught himself to play electric bass guitar and even to sing and while he tried to be in a band once or twice in his life, JAKES had been a loner most of his life. For a couple of decades Jakes was part of the workforce and had applied himself, and for while Jakes was married. He and his spouse had a nice place that he and Jake's - ex - had remodeled. They had worked to grow vegetables so that they might live eating the food that they grew in their organic vegetable and herb gardens, behind their remodeled place. The two, Jake's spouse and Jakes himself, even learned to can ( or jar ) food and began to freeze food that they had made from the produce of their vegetable garden .. until it became time for JAKES to move along - to greener pastures !
Divorced, JAKES went the West Coast Man's route of reinventing himself. Jakes took a low income, public-service job helping feed the elderly in his community. Yet, as fate would have it, JAKES’ family were already elderly and they became the greater burden for Jakes as they began to show the obvious signs of dementia and senility. And, while JAKES knew enough about psychology, from his time at University, he knew that he would need to do better for himself, and to find himself in California - So, Jakes headed south, to finally prove to himself and more than ever forever the better show himself to be of that idea that is infused in us all, to bring forth the voice of the lifeforce within himself, and to continue to treat himself as a survivor! With the psychology of all of the history and philosophy of that science, using both cliometrics and pragmatic creativity, Jakes continued to relieve the pain he was to suffer by his own optimism and sensitivity to his vulnerabilities.
“ Bad things happen to good people everyday ..
I like to think and feel that I am too good
to be in that number, maybe. Whatever works ! ”
Jake Fortunato
Music, Jakes felt was the ultimate tonic of brain, body and spirit. So, Jakes began to search the Southern California landscape for music, for musical experiences, for musicians and dance halls of any and all varieties of music that he had danced to or that Jakes had enjoyed in his past - before he had got to living in Southern California, in The City of Los Angeles.
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