Note To : Whom It Need Concern At Frontier Developments,
Dear Sirs,
When I asked for a position where I might stay busy I am not sure what I was thinking . But, after having been at this frontier outpost they sent me to work as a medical aide staff for a year now I have to wonder what they were thinking with regards to my happiness - perhaps everyone’s happiness .
I had not imagined the troubles of the universe that can be discovered so easily without care, of the issues of humanity that need to be made to cease yet remain ongoing problems nor the devastation and evil that men on the frontiers of exploration and industry do - to make a little more money .
After some soul searching, I have come to the conclusion that I would be a fool not to begin the process to demand an immediate transfer to a less hostile station or base however any deal I take I will need to be able to keep my status and position . At worst I might say that some Human Resources agent fooled me into playing a part in this story of which I am made to look the fool - yet, I am not the kind to be made to seem fooled twice by the same cruel joke .
I must humbly demand that I either receive a transfer to a more safe and less busy environment or that I receive a severance package allowing my to be contented with the idea that I, myself will be gone from this unhappy place in the universe and that I would never have chosen this for anyone I know !
Thank You - Regards,
May Andersen
Frontier Developments
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